Category Archives: News

July 2022 KY State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program E-Newsletter

 28 Kentuckians Attend Long-Term Care Ombudsman Certification Training! Earlier this year we let you know we had reached a critical point in Kentucky and needed volunteers.  We are thrilled that 28 folks are attending long-term care (LTC) ombudsman certification training this summer. Trainees are going through virtual classroom training and in-person field training to become […]

June 2022 KY State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program E-Newsletter

Join the LTC Ombudsman Program! Volunteers Make A Difference Thousands of residents of long-term care (LTC) facilities in Kentucky depend on LTC ombudsmen to advocate for them. We need more LTC ombudsmen!  It may surprise you to learn that most LTC ombudsmen across the country are volunteers, and they perform incredibly important work.  They are ready and […]

May 2022 KY State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program E-Newsletter

Request For Information on Revising the Requirements for Nursing Facilities to Establish Mandatory Minimum Staffing Requirements Attention residents, consumers, family members and advocates: your feedback is needed! On April 15, 2022, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) that included requests for information regarding the implementation of a minimum […]

April 2022 KY State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program E-Newsletter

Doing Good, Does You Good: Be an Advocate for Residents in Long-Term Care Thousands of residents of long-term care (LTC) facilities in Kentucky depend on LTC ombudsmen to advocate for them. We need more LTC ombudsmen!  It may surprise you to learn that most LTC ombudsmen across the country are volunteers, and they perform incredibly important […]

Featured on Talking FACS

Kim Browning, NHOA’s Outreach Coordinator, shares about the Kentucky Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program this week on Talking FACS. Kim discusses the benefits of the program for residents in long-term care facilities and shares how people who are interested in becoming a Certified Volunteer Ombudsman can get involved. You can listen to the full podcast here.

February 2022 KY State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program E-Newsletter

Advocacy Update! New Bill Would End Federal Requirement that State Medicaid Programs Recoup Costs from Families In February U.S. House Representative Jan Schakowsky introduced the Stop Unfair Medicaid Recoveries Act, which would repeal a federal law which requires state Medicaid programs to recover long-term care costs from estates of deceased recipients.  The law often forces family […]

January 2022 KY State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program E-Newsletter

Advocacy Update! Senate Bill 11  Your voice was heard, and the Senate Committee Substitute of Senate Bill 11 grants Assisted Living residents with the same rights as other long-term care residents.  In addition, Assisted Living residents will have access to the Ombudsman program. In case you missed it, Senate Bill 11 was filed on 1/4/2022 and is […]

October 2021 KY State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program E-Newsletter

Thank you to Governor Andy Beshear for proclaiming October Residents’ Rights Month in Kentucky! Residents’ Rights Right to Be Fully Informed Right to Complain Right to Participate in One’s Own Care Right to Privacy and Confidentiality Rights During Transfers and Discharges Right to Dignity, Respect, and Freedom including freedom from abuse and neglect Right to […]